
Sep 09

09:30 - 10:00

Available to Cost
Members Free
Non Members prices start from Free
Type of event
Visit Event Site


Sep 09

09:30 - 10:00

Online Information Session – September 2024



Sep 09

09:30 - 10:00

Available to Cost
Members Free
Non Members prices start from Free
Type of event
Visit Event Site

If you’re thinking about applying to become a mentor but have some questions, or if you’d like to find out about other ways you can support us, please come along to our online information session.

This half hour session will give you an overview of The Girls’ Network, the work we do and the difference we make to the lives of girls and young women. There’s no obligation to sign up to anything afterwards, just a chance to hear more about us and ask questions.

The zoom link details will be sent to you via email once you have signed up.

We hope you will join us.